"diana - The Show" - A Celebration of the Music and Career of Diana Ross is a multimedia show that pays tribute to the iconic Motown legend, Diana Ross. Led by Racquel Marshall, this captivating production takes the audience on a journey through the different eras of Diana Ross' illustrious career, recreating the experience of watching her in concert in the early years.

Experience "diana - The Show"

With the assistance of Amberlin Morse and Virginia Trent, Racquel takes you through the record breaking years with The Supremes from 1964 to 1970. The Supremes’ unequalled twelve (12) number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart made them the #1 Girl Group of all time.

Not only were The Supremes the most commercially successful of all of Motown's acts during that time period, but they were the most successful American vocal group in any genre.

a crown of diamonds and a crown of diamonds
a crown of diamonds and a crown of diamonds

As the Magic happens...

a woman in a white dress standing in front of a microphonea woman in a white dress standing in front of a microphone
a woman in a red dress standing in front of a microphonea woman in a red dress standing in front of a microphone
a group of women singing in a banda group of women singing in a band
a woman in a yellow sweater and a microphonea woman in a yellow sweater and a microphone

Recent news

"diana - The Show" release tour


Join us across top live venues around LA, the US & Europe to relive "Diana Ross & The Supremes" first-hand!


Los Angeles

Coming Soon



Coming Soon


Copenhagen, DK

Coming Soon


Amsterdam, NL

Coming Soon

Sneak Peak video is out!

The Show!

They say it's not about the destination, but the fun you have along the way!

Gold and Black "Diana" The Show Logo
Gold and Black "Diana" The Show Logo