Our story
"diana - The Show" - A Celebration of the Music and Career of Diana Ross is a multimedia show that pays tribute to the iconic Motown legend, Diana Ross. Led by Racquel Marshall, this captivating production takes the audience on a journey through the different eras of Diana Ross' illustrious career, recreating the experience of watching her in concert.
With the assistance of talented performers Amberlin Morse and Virginia Trent, Racquel Marshall guides the audience through the record-breaking years of Diana Ross with The Supremes, spanning from 1964 to 1970. As the #1 Girl Group of all time, The Supremes achieved an unparalleled twelve number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, solidifying their status as the most commercially successful vocal group in any genre.
The show then transitions to Diana Ross' three-decade career in music, film, television, and stage. With 25 studio albums, numerous chart-topping singles, and over 100 million records sold worldwide, Diana Ross stands as one of the most successful artists in history. Notably, she is the only female artist to have achieved number-one singles as a solo artist, duet, and trio.